What is the Force?

On this blog, I often write about comics but more specifically, the force that binds them together. In the previous post, I wrote about this guy…

Image result for picture of monitor mind dc
Monitor mind, an infinite pool of sentient energy, observing multiverses…

For those just reading this post, the Monitor is a sentient pool of energy that is supposedly representative of the ideas of the comic writers and the canvas that the characters are drawn in. So, over this past week, I was thinking about if there were other concepts similar to the Monitor. Luckily, as the STAR WARS Episode IX teaser aired, I thought about the nature of the force. For the record, I will be using the expanded star wars universe instead of the canon star wars universe because there more stuff to talk about. The Wookiepedia describes the force as


However if you scroll down a little further, it reads that

I would argue that both the monitor and the force are one in the same. Both encompass all things in their universe, and both are seen as forms of energies, both are also viewed to some regard as living beings. Just imagine, a world where Darth Vader and Superman engage in a duel of the fates…Oh, wait…

Image result for star wars vs dc


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