Abstraction Part 3

*This is just a fan-made concept

It is said all things have a destiny. Whether you are the most insignificant insect or the most powerful creature in the universe, you are always second in command of your destiny. In the DC universe, destiny has a name and a face. Known as the oldest sibling of the eternal family, he is bound to turn the pages of fate: a book made from the hide of a beast that never existed. Though the book of fate is immense, Destiny has sensed a ripped page…multiple pages. Removed clean from the book of fate, these pages display a word written in black ink: He’s coming.

Destiny (DC Comics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Sandman ...

“‘But who is?'”thought Destiny. “No thing could possibly alter the pages of fate. It was impossible. Unless… No. It can’t be. We killed it. I killed it. This book is proof; this hide that covers the pages of lives unpredicted is proof.”. The beast that destiny speaks of is known as Oblivion, Entropy, Chaos. It lives in a gross parody of destiny and exists as a direct contrast to fate. Its actions occur without purpose and yet it has only spawned chaos and destruction. An existing contradiction. Many faces of evil have spawned from its gaping maw: Thanos, Darkseid, even the devil himself.

Oblivion in the Marvel 616 universe *note the similarities between Destiny and Oblivion

There has been a dark secret kept by the eternal family. The beast whose skin covers the book of fate has a greater role in the Eternals. It was no beast but an idea. No one, not even Destiny himself, knows what role Entropy played but one thing is for certain: opposites attract. When that happens, the very fabric of existence will be torn asunder. The old adage is that “we control our own destiny” but if destiny controls us, what does that mean for the chaos it simply can’t control? Stay tuned for part 4 coming soon

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