Abstraction part 2

Viewer, let me start from the beginning. It was before the collision of the multiverses. In a higher dimension, gods of both mind and body watched over the lower creatures. These gods were not evil or good, they simply were. They existed in that they were the basic building blocks of all creation and one of them was Dream. He, or it , is lord of all things that aren’t real. His domain encompasses this very blog post you are reading and he came into existence when reality did as well. He is an unavoidable concept that cannot be killed or even touched. He is endless.

In an infinitely great distance away from his kingdom, another concept enacts it’s will on the colliding multiverses. In the marvel multiverse, some readers are familiar with the abstracts. The abstracts are a group of nigh-omnipotent beings who hold sovereign over their respective reality. The most powerful of these gods, the Living Tribunal. He sits above the Marvel universe in his cosmic throne, watching and judging each timeline and making sure there are no anomalies that could upset the balance of the universe.

The battle between the Judge and the Dream will lead to their power being fragmented. Their energy will imbue both mind and matter with godlike properties. Objects such as the trident of Neptune, a weapon that can only be wielded by the true king of the oceans, or the white lantern power battery that charges the most powerful lantern ring.

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Abstraction part 1

Above the pools of realities and dimensions lies the cosmic throne room of conceptual gods. For those who aren’t familiar with these gods, they can be basically be summed up into having nigh-sovereignty over all reality. They can either control it, destroy it, or in some cases even embody existence. In the marvel universe, these gods are known as the abstracts. Now, with the sudden shift in the omniverse, these deities have made there presence all but known. Likewise, other endless concepts have taken the form of mind and flesh to enact their own agency upon the shifting omniverse. When these gods collide, the principalities of nature begin to change… The lines between reality and dream become a blur… The difference between life and death become trivial, because when the actual personifications of those concepts wage war with one another, nothing will be everything, and everything will be nothing once again.


Image result for abstract deities marvel wallpaper


Image result for abstract gods of dc




Today is a sorrowful occasion. A hero has joined the ranks of Valhalla to become something more; a legend, an idol. This mans name is Stan Lee. Throughout his life, this man took action in bringing his world to life, and in turn, made our world a little more of a marvel. Through death, his work lives on and made him a legend. In time, this legend will become a myth. We promise to never let that happen. Citizens of earth,  as a last stand against the winds of time that affect us all, let us preserve his work and begin anew. Excelsior!

“the world has always been a comic book world to me!” -Stan Lee


– EC-omniverse.com


During the birth of the universe, 6 concentrated ingots were forged to embody the 6 facets of reality, we know them as infinity stones.  But what if I told you something else sprung from the big bang after the birth of the universe? See, with the creation of these power ingots, I believe something else got created in the process. The lantern lights in the DC universe.  Each infinity stone representing a light in the emotional spectrum. This emotional energy would be harnessed by the green lanterns, the red lanterns, and the blue lanterns etc. Now, these individuals imbued with power protect their portion of the omniverse. The lantern corps will inevitably collide with the MCU when Thanos obtains all 6 infinity stones, threatening the cosmic balance.



“This world never belonged to us. It belonged to them. The question is, how long before they take it back…” – Houston brook

50 million years ago. Earth, the birthplace of the human race, Heaven before he would walk. Down below lies a king. Awakened by an invader, he opens his eye and destroys his kingdom to save it. He is God, he is Gojira and he is risking everything he has ever known to save his home. Out in space,  a force beyond the comprehension of man reaches a malevolent hand to claim earth for his own.  Godzilla has other ideas. Although small to the cosmic entity,  he is still a force to be reckoned with. This was the first time earth had seen this threat, and it would not be the last.  With every ounce of strength, Gojira uses his gamma ray to pierce the darkness, claiming victory with a cost. for the toll of this battle had weakened the king, and he lay, submerged in an ocean of rock, never to awaken until the earth would need him again. Meanwhile, in the outskirts of his kingdom, resistance brews as a challenger marches to the throne.







After the events of Jurassic world fallen kingdom, dinosaurs are once again let loose amongst the modern world. However, fans have suspected an unknown importance about the character Maisie. She is the clone of a dead daughter. She was made out of the bones of a lost age. Her DNA consists of a dinosaur genome. She is the first mutant. In this universe, she represents a connection between the Marvel mutants and the Jurassic dinosaurs. I will soon be posting the first act of universal convergence where the universes will clash, only to find that there has been a dark god pulling the strings this whole time.  Soon, the sky will go dark, and nothing will ever be the same ever again. 

A long time ago…

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… the battle between the light and the darkness clashed for control for a force imbued universe. The Jedi. Avatars for hope and peace. The sith, individuals afflicted by the primordial pool of chaos and death. Their battles ripped a cosmic gash across the universe, eventually leading towards the Jedis victory.  For a time, both the light and darkness lived in harmony. A harmony that would only last in a dream. This dream will be crushed by a shift in the omniverse. It would hurdle the star wars universe in the MCU, creating a new connection. Both the light and the dark side of the force would have to form a fatal alliance in order to ensure the survival of their world. The war between the force users and the superheroes are about to begin.



Years after the battle between Unicron and Galactus,  Cybertron was beginning to heal its wounds. Orion Pax and Megatronus had grown into leaders of tomorrow. We know them as Optimus and Megatron. Their war has been the stuff of legend, and mystery. However, I believe that there was something that happened before the great war. Something that changed Megatron. I believe that before the great war, Steppenwolf had taken control of the transformers and changed some into Deceptions. To take over the planet, Steppenwolf created the deceptions to wage war against the auto bots. Now the surface of cybertron runs red with the energon of both decepticon and autobot alike. The end is near.

Before time began…

So far, all of the events that have occurred are leading to the inevitable clash of these cinematic universes. However, when the universe was but a child, a great force awakened. It was Galactus, the devourer of worlds. He hungers for planets to ingest, he has set his sights on a planet filled with autonomous robotic organisms. Cybertron. Unbeknownst to him, Cybertron was being pursued by the chaos entity, Unicron.  Both powers were unrivaled in their infinite lifespan, both would be victorious in destroying Cybertron. however, there can only be one victor.  Unicron would initiate the battle but both titans would battle for a millennium until Galactus would be repelled.

Tired, and badly wounded, Unicron lay slumbering in his dormant planet form, waiting for his brother primus, to awaken once again. Meanwhile, though Cybertron had seen its rough days, that was nothing compared to the war that will arrive between the Autobots and the Decepticons.


Across the omniverse,  word spreads of the defeat of Steppenwolf, alerting and inciting the conflict of many forces, both good and evil. In the movie Justice League, after Steppenwolf is defeated, he is boomtubed (term used by DC comics) back to his homeworld, or wherever he originates from. Fans suspect that he was transported back to Apokolips, the planet controlled by Darkseid. Darkseid is the Thanos equivalent in the DC universe, and by drawing Steppenwolf back to Apokolips, he is prepping his forces for his arrival to earth. I believe that he is not just invading the DCEU’s earth but also all other Cinematic Universes. It is time for Darkseid to pursue the Anti-Life Equation, and lay waste to humanity.