A redo of Thor Love and Thunder

On a distant nameless planet, an enduring father carries his lifeless daughter’s corpse across the arid desert. His face is etched in stone for this is not the first time the father has buried his love. He is Gorr the devout, the feverish, and the believer. As he sets his daughter’s corpse into a burial ditch, he can’t help but reminisce about days gone by. Was there ever a happy moment in his life? No. There was not. All throughout his life, tragedy has been his god.

He was born on this wretched planet where violence and predation were more common than water and food. Gorr lost his mother to ravenous beasts and his father to hazardous mountain peaks. When he finally found happiness through his wife and daughter, the planet took that away as well. Gorr’s people were religious out of necessity. Desolation and damnation were constancies in Gorr’s life and even as his daughter lay lifeless, he prayed to the Gods above. Only silence answered.

‘It was always silence’ Gorr thought. Even when other members of his village comforted him with their platitudes and remarks of his tragedy “being a test”, Gorr couldn’t help but ponder his condition. Why, of all beings in this vast universe, was he so damn powerless. It was those damn gods after all. He prayed every night since his mother’s death but those gods turned a blind eye. They cared not for his pleas and cries for help.

As he laid his eyes on his daughter’s grave, Gorr had finally had enough. He screamed to the sky “I relinquish you!” and then collapsed. Then, almost as if the sky answered back, a ball of fire scorched overhead. Perhaps Gorr should repent.

Gorr ran to the crater that the comet made and to his astonishment, he saw two figures lying at the center. One clad in gold and the other black as the void of space. Gorr crawled forward and he heard the golden figure whimper “pray for me”. In what seemed like a flash, Gorr’s initial face of surprise twisted into that of contempt and malice. “Pray for you? You dare? Where were you when my wife and son died of thirst? When my mother was gutted before me? When I saw the life leave my daughter’s eyes?!”. The golden figure only had an empty gaze toward Gorr. “You know what? You Gods may not have done anything for me but I will do something for you,” Gorr remarked as he picked up the black blade impaled in the golden man. It almost beckoned him to finish the job and that’s exactly what Gorr did.

Gorr plunged the sword into the golden god and a twisted smile crept across his face. Black tendrils crawled from the blade into Gorr’s body. In Gorr’s mind, he thought “so many gods. so little time.”. He gazed into the expanse of space and shot off into the night. The shrieking laughter of the god killer rang out the night sky of the planet.